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educação diferente


educação diferente


The Disability Mural

Ed Roberts Campus

The Ed Roberts Campus is a nonprofit (501c3) corporation that has been formed by disability organizations that share a common history in the Independent Living Movement of People with Disabilities. These organizations joined together to build a universally designed, transit–oriented campus located at the Ashby BART Station in South Berkeley. The ERC houses the offices of the collaborating organizations as well as fully accessible meeting rooms, a computer/media resource center, a fitness center, a cafe, and a child development center.

Ed Roberts (1939-1995) was an international leader and educator in the independent living and disability rights movements. He fought throughout his life to enable all persons with disabilities to fully participate in society. Ed was a true pioneer: he was the first student with significant disabilities to attend UC Berkeley. He was a founder of UC’s Physically Disabled Students Program, which became the model for Berkeley’s Center for Independent Living (CIL) and over 400 independent living centers across the country. He was one of the early directors of CIL. He was the first California State Director of Rehabilitation with a disability; he was awarded a MacArthur fellowship; and he was co–founder and President of the World.

Institute on Disability.

The concept of the Campus took form shortly after Ed’s death in 1995. The Berkeley Mayor’s Office convened a meeting of representatives from the City Council, UC Berkeley, CIL, WID and other disability leaders to discuss how to memorialize Ed’s work. Disability community leaders decided they could best commemorate Ed’s work by supporting the organizations that he helped start and the Independent Living Movement that he championed. They decided to do this by establishing a center dedicated to fostering collaboration and improving the services and opportunities for people with disabilities locally and worldwide.

Museum of DisABILITY History

The Museum of disABILITY History, located at 3826 Main St., Buffalo, New York

Established in 1998 by Dr. James M. Boles, president and CEO of People Inc. (Western New York's leading non-profit human services agency) the Museum of disABILITY History has steadily expanded over the years and, in late 2010, moved to a brand new location (pictured above).

The Museum of disABILITY History is dedicated to advancing the understanding, acceptance and independence of people with disabilities. The Museum's exhibits, collections, archives and educational programs create awareness and a platform for dialogue and discovery.

The Museum of disABILITY History is a project of People Inc. and is chartered by the New York State Department of Education Board of Regents. People Inc. exists so that individuals with disabling conditions or other special needs have the supports they need to participate and succeed in an accepting society.

As noted throughout the site, this project has been developed with the generous support of People Inc. and the B. Thomas Golisano Foundation. We are truly thankful for their participation in this worthwhile effort.


Un paso adelante por el derecho a decidir - 3 de septiembre de 2021

Associação Espanhola de Fundações Tutelares 

A Associação Espanhola de Fundações Tutelares é uma entidade privada , sem fins lucrativos , de âmbito estadual e declarada de utilidade pública , que nasceu em 1995 a pedido da atual Full Inclusion (antiga FEAPS).

Em 1995 , promovida por 13 Fundações Tutelares - e a pedido da Confederação Espanhola das Organizações a favor das Pessoas com Deficiência Intelectual ou Desenvolvimento Integral (ex-FEAPS) - nasceu a Associação Espanhola de Fundações Tutelares . O objetivo principal da sua criação respondeu à necessidade de reunir as Entidades Membros para orientar, apoiar, aconselhar e coordenar esforços comuns; Aumentando assim a qualidade e eficácia dos serviços prestados pelas Fundações Tutelares.

A Associação representa os interesses das Fundações Tutelares e promove a consciência social para promover o respeito pelos direitos das pessoas com deficiência intelectual ou de desenvolvimento - maior de idade - cuja capacidade jurídica foi alterada.



La paralysie cérébrale, c'est quoi?

Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale

La Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale a pour vocation de promouvoir et soutenir la recherche sur la paralysie cérébrale, œuvrer pour la qualité des soins et la diffusion des connaissances et des bonnes pratiques.

Elle mène chaque année des appels à projets de recherche et attribue des bourses aux travaux les plus prometteurs. Ces appels à projets sont supervisés par son Conseil scientifique, composé de personnalités indépendantes et reconnues internationalement.
Créée en 2006 par des associations de parents et des professionnels de santé sous le nom de La Fondation Motrice, la Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale est reconnue d’utilité publique. Elle est partenaire de Paralysie Cérébrale France (ex-FFAIMC, Fédération Française des Associations d’Infirmes Moteurs Cérébraux).


Danse inclusive

Youmeco You, Me & Co

Présentation de l'Atelier de Danse Inclusive à Biarritz (Oxala). La compagnie de Danse Oxala à Biarritz, accueil des danseurs et des danseuses en situation de handicap et favorise l'inclusion.

Avec Laurence Ricordeau, Tarek AÏt Meddour et Cécile Guignand Combaret.

Michel Meyer: Réalisateur, Cadreur & Monteur

Matériel: Caméra Sony PXW-X70/APN Nikon Z6 - Optique AF-S 24-70mm F2,8 G ED/Drone

Typhoon Yuneec H Pro Realsense/UHF Wireless Microphone Sony UTX-B03 URX P03/Micro

Canon MKE 600 Sennheiser Enregistreur TASCAM DR-40/Monopod/Trépied/Glidecam HD1000

Post-production: Montage/Habillage/GraphismE

logiciels utilisés : Illustrator/Photoshop/Adobe Première Pro/After Effects


"Autism, adulthood and fictions: reading autism portrayals after diagnosis" - Dr James McGrath

Leeds Beckett

The talk, ‘Autism, adulthood and fictions: reading autism portrayals after diagnosis’, was given by Dr James McGrath, a Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at Leeds Beckett University. The event coincides with Disability History Month and forms part of Leeds Cultural Conversations series programmed by the Centre for Culture and the Arts at Leeds Beckett. Dr McGrath, whose book Naming Adult Autism will be published by Rowman & Littlefield International next year, said: “Autism and fiction have an odd relationship. Many diagnosticians count a person’s enjoyment of fiction amongst indications that he or she is probably not autistic. And while countless novels, films and TV series have featured autistic adult characters, people with autism are largely unrecognised as readers and viewers of these portrayals.” The talk combines literary criticism with a post-diagnosis view of how autism is depicted in contemporary culture. Dr McGrath addresses aspects of gender, class, and disability itself in relation to autistic identities, and will also considers the wider potential of culture in shaping and challenging expectations placed on autistic adults.

ESPN Road to LA Documentary

ESPN Road to LA Documentary

ESPN, the global broadcast partner of the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games, produced a 'Road to LA' documentary on Special Olympics Australia athletes as they prepared to head to the Games in Los Angeles. To find out more about Team Australia's achievements at the Games, please visit Olympics Australia

Global Movement

Special Olympics has grown from a backyard camp into a global movement that has been transforming the lives of people with an intellectual disability for almost 50 years. The global sporting community was pioneered by the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister to US President John F Kennedy as well as Rosemary who had an intellectual disability. Today, Special Olympics supports over 5 million athletes in 177 countries. 

Local impact

Special Olympics began in Australia in 1976 when many people with an intellectual disability were shut in institutions. While this is no longer the norm in Australia, we continue to seek public support to ensure that people with an intellectual disability are not shut out. By helping us give them opportunities to play sport, together we can open the door to personal achievement, pride and inclusion for some of the marginalised and isolated members of our community. 

Educación inclusiva. Mel Ainscow. EDUY21

Mel Ainscow

Mel Ainscow, Emeritus Professor of Education, is internationally recognized as an authority on the promotion of inclusion and equity in education. Previously a head teacher, local education authority adviser and lecturer at the University of Cambridge, his work focuses on ways of making schools effective for all children and young people. A distinctive feature of his approach is the emphasis he places on carrying out research with schools and education systems to promote improvements.   

A long-term consultant to UNESCO, Mel is currently working to promote equity and inclusion globally. He is also a consultant to an initiative organised by the Organization of American States, which is supporting national developments in nine Latin American countries. He has recently completed collaborative research projects with networks of schools in five European countries.  

Mel led the Greater Manchester Challenge a three-year project that involved a partnership between national government, ten local authorities, 1,150 schools and many other stakeholders, and had a government investment of around £50 million. He went on to lead Schools Challenge Cymru, the Welsh Government’s multi-million pound flagship programme to accelerate the rate of improvement across the country’s schools, focusing in particular on the progress of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

In addition to his post at Manchester, Mel isProfessor of Education at the University of Glasgow, Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology and Honorary Professor of Practice at University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He has published extensively in practitioner and international research journals.  His recent books include: ‘Struggles for equity in education: The selected works of Mel Ainscow’(Routledge World Library of Educationalists series). In the Queen’s 2012 New Year Honours list he was made a CBE for services to education. 


Special Olympics Austrália

Online learning

Our online learning platform, SOA Learn, will help students grow and enhance skills and abilities to mentor people with intellectual disabilities and autism, and provide them with greater sporting opportunities. An SOA Learn student may be a coach, teacher, family member, volunteer, or someone simply charged up to change others’ lives and their own!

The tailored online courses and resources allow the flexibility to study when and where students want. Our courses have been developed with key partners within the wider sectors of sport, disability and education and use current research and methodology in a combination of video, case studies and questions.

Our Courses

Our courses provide students with the basic principles, techniques and tools to effectively coach, teach and mentor Special Olympics athletes and people with intellectual disabilities and autism. Education is necessary and mandatory. Our athletes deserve the most knowledgeable guidance from people who are trained, who can access sport-specific coaching guides and rules, who provide the safest environment in which to train and compete and who receive ongoing education.

To access the courses, you just need to create an account in SOA Learn and start learning. Creating an SOA Learn account is free.

Create an account and sign into SOA Learn by clicking here.

Our current online courses, resources, and brochures can be used to educate people on how to coach, teach and mentor Special Olympics athletes and people with intellectual disabilities and autism.